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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Going to the Chapel!

She did it! My sister is now Mrs Ashley Woods! I'm so happy for her and Kurt! She was absolutely stunning. There are really no words to really describe how happy I am for her. So I'm not really going to try. But here's the pictures!
Ashley and Lexi

Ashley and Grandma Frances

Ashley and Momma Sally

Ashley and her dad Tony

Ashley and Kurt

You may now kiss the bride!

The Woods Family

Lexi, right before she tried to eat Uncle Cody's flower

Happy Bride!

Mr. & Mrs. Woods

Me and the beautiful bride!

Lexi cheesing just like her mama!

The wedding party, Cody, Kami, Taylor, Ashley, Kurt, Lexi, Lisa, and Christopher

Ashley and Kurt with G'ma Frances and Pawpaw Bryant

Is she not the most beautiful bride you've ever seen?! It was such a great day and we narrowly avoided two different major rainstorms. And just like any wedding, it wasn't exactly drama free, but the day went almost exactly how Ashley wanted it to go. I am very happy for her and Kurt and I know they will be a very happy couple for years and years to come!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Growing Up...

My sister is getting married on Saturday! Ashley and Kurt have been together for what seems like forever, and they have a beautiful little girl, Brooklynn Alexis (whom we usually call Lexi), who just turn 6 months old a couple days ago. I have the great honor of taking pictures at their wedding, and I can't wait. (I am actually a little nervous about taking the pictures. I am scared TO DEATH they may not turn out great.)

(Kurt, Lexi and Ashley)

[Most people who know me know that Ashley isn't technically my sister. We really aren't blood related at all. We met in about the third grade when our parents all bowled on a league together. We became fast friends and quickly became "adopted" into each other's family. Most people know that whenever I refer to "my sister" I'm talking about Ashley.]

(Ashley and me a couple years ago.)

She's growing up, y'all! I mean, duh, we are the same age, we both have a child, and I'm already married. We are pretty much at the same stage of life, but it's still like, holy crap, we're adults! I don't know about her, but I feel old sometimes when I think back. I mean, It's been like, 17 or 18 years since she and I were getting in trouble running around Leland Lanes. There have been times over the years where we lived in different states and it was hard for us to stay in touch. And there have been times where one of us did something hurtful to the other and we didn't talk for days at a time. But like family, we always end up together again and pick up like nothing ever happened.

Now that we have families of our own, it's a different sort of friendship. When we were little, it was about sleepovers and getting to ride home on the bus with each other. Then we were teenagers, and it was about who was dating who. Now, our conversations are about baby milestones and car trouble. And I think we are going to be those friends that are crying together as we send our kids off to kindergarten, and crying again when they graduate high school together. Then, God willing, we'll be going to weddings and visiting each other's grandchildren.
(Cooper and Lexi on a playdate.)

I can't wait for the wedding! It is going to be such a special day for Ashley and Kurt. I am so glad to be a part of it and honored that she would trust me to document it for her. 

See you next time with pictures!!!

Mrs Faulkner