My little boy turned six months old today! I've been telling people all day and it still hasn't really kicked in that my boy, my little baby, is six months old. It's hard to believe. I totally forgot to take his picture, so here he is asleep. Haha! It's easier to take a good pic this way since he's not wiggling all over the place.
I'm really not sure honestly. I figure around 19 lbs. He was 17.5 pounds at around 4 and a half months old, so maybe around 19. I could be way wrong though. He will be 7 months at his 6 month doctor appointment so we'll see for sure then.
Again, not sure. He was 26.5 inches at his last appointment so maybe what, 28? IDK
He is certainly wearing 6-9 month stuff, and even some 9-12 month things. For sleepers, he has to have 9-12 because the 6-9 month ones are too short for his long legs.
We are in a size 3, and I think he'll stay there for a little while. He's in a stage where he is constantly trying to get away from me during diaper changes.
Boy loves food! He has a bottle every 3-4 hours, eating 8 ounces at a time (I know right!). He has been eating baby food consistently for about a month now. We had been offering it to him sporadically, just to introduce it, but it has been full time for a while. For breakfast he gets cereal and a fruit (we've had peaches, apples, pears, and bananas.). Around lunch he gets a vegetable and dinner a vegetable. For vegetables, he loves carrots, squash and sweet potatoes (all the orange ones). He isn't really into the green beans or peas, but he will eat them if you mix it with something else, like carrots. He is trying to hold his own bottle, but he'd rather someone hold it for him, and I'm always happy to do it.
I still can't tell what color his hair is/is going to be. It's kinda blonde, with a red tint in the sun, which he gets from his daddy. But sometimes it looks dark. He has a little cradle cap, but we are working on it. He has a bald spot on the back of his head from scooting on his back so much. His eyes are still beautifully blue, and I hope they don't change.
He was doing so well before we moved, but this move has thrown him off. Pre-move, he was going to bed around 8 or so and sleeping until 6 or 7am. When I started back on day shift, I had to get up earlier to take him to my mom's in the morning, so he started going to bed earlier, usually around 7, and he sleeps until I wake him up at 5:30 or so. Now that we have moved, he is pretty much on the same schedule, but he has started waking up at night. He's not hungry, he just wants to be cuddled and he goes right back to sleep. I know I know, I have to break him of that and quit picking him up but it's hard because I know this is a new environment and he has to get used to it.
Fun Stuff:
He is rolling over like a pro! Both ways too! He loves his walker and his activity center. And he can't get enough of Tec the Tractor (Baby First TV). He has started reaching for people ever so slightly, and that has tickled his PawPaw to death! Cooper loves his PawPaw Wayne (Dixie's dad). We go to his house and Cooper just lights up and giggles. Cooper likes everyone. I've taken him by my office and he just laughs and laughs with my two boss ladies. He is such a charmer.
Fun moment:
At the Thrift Store the other day, I was walking around, with Cooper in the buggy in his car seat, and an older, gray haired lady stopped to see him. She started talking to him and he was smiling back and squealing like it was his job, and the lady turned to me and said, "He knows a grandma when he sees one." Love it!