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Sunday, June 24, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 1

So some people on Facebook are doing a 30 Day Photo Challenge. I'm posting this stuff there, but I'm doing it all out of order. For the sake of some kind of order, I'm going to do it chronologically here.

So Day 1 - Post a picture of yourself with 10 Facts.

28 weeks preggo with Cooper

  1. My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms, and when I eat it, I always eat all the cereal pieces first then the marshmallows. 
  2. I love to take my shoes off at work and sit with my feet in my chair. Sometimes, I've "lost" my shoes because I took them off at one desk and then moved to another desk and forgot where I left them.
  3. I have a sister that I'm not actually related to, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
  4. I think whoever paid $20.5 million for a Jackson Pollock painting needs to find something else to do with their money.
  5. I have never been out of the Southeast. The furthest north I've been is Gatlinburg, and the furthest west I've been is Longview, Texas. 
  6. I can't stand it when someone messes up verb conjugation in writing. For example, it drives me crazy if someone writes, "She like to dance," when it should be "She likes to dance."
  7. I work at an answering service, and I will have stories for years to come of the craziness and stupidity that I and my co-workers have encountered.
  8. I never really understood the difference between cheap wine and good wine until I had a glass of Castello del Poggio Moscato at Olive Garden, and I'm hooked.
  9. I really like stand up comedy, my favorites being Gabriel Iglesias and Jeff Dunham.
  10. My husband and my son are the absolute materialization of my dreams.
So there we go! Day 1 complete. I'm pretty sure I won't finish this whole thing in 30 days, but I'm at least going to try to finish it. There may just be better things to blog about. 

Anywhoozle....later my friends!

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