So I'm linking up over at Blonde Ambition for Confessional Friday!
1. I confess that today I ate leftover spaghettie for breakfast.... and then again for lunch.
2. I confess that I had no idea there was a presidential debate going on, until I saw something online about Big Bird.
3. I confess that I am trying to sew my own Halloween costume and it may (or may not) being going very well. We'll see.
4. I confess that I went to the Thrift store the other day just to kill time.
So there, my first Confessional Friday. I thought there would maybe be more to it but I guess not. I had a lot of moments this week, where I thought to myself, I should put this in a Confessional post. But then I forgot. Ha! So maybe I'll write down my confessional moments and have a better post for next week. Not bad for my first link up though, right? Right? Oh well.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
Welcome to the Friday Confessional link up. I think you did a great first confession post. I had to cringe when I thought about spagetti for breakfast. LOL. Hope you stick around!