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Monday, March 12, 2012

Sleeping Through the Night!

I am the proud mom of a good sleeper! Finally! Now if only I could be a good sleeper. :-) For the last 4 nights straight, cooper has slept 7+ hours at a time! Usually he goes down between 10-11p after his last bottle and gets up around 5:30-6am, then he'll eat and go right back down for a couple more hours. It has been wonderful! He is in a much better mood in the mornings since he is sleeping better. I just love love love getting him up around 8am and he just smiles and coos at me.

And this is all thanks to my wonderful husband. He has got Cooper on such a good schedule. I had a bad habit at night and early morning feedings of letting him fall back to sleep without eating much. But Dixie has him on a good schedule where he eats better, and I got better at making sure he eats enough, and he sleeps so much better and longer. It's awesome.

The only problem is....Cooper no longer wakes up at 2am, but I do! Every night I wake up when he usually woke up and I have to go to his crib, which is like, 2 feet away, and poke him to make sure he's breathing. And every time I hear, "He's fine, you better not wake him up," from the other side of the bed. Haha! I never wake him up, I just have to make sure.

Oh, and Cooper has become a mover lately while in his crib. His crib has a changing table attached to the right side of it, and instead of slats on that side it's a solid panel. Well the first night he slept all the way through, I think he would have slept longer but he had scooted himself all the way up to where his head was up against that solid panel. And he likes to sleep with his hands up above his head, and every time he would go to throw his arms back, he would hit the panel and it would wake him up. At first I couldn't figure out what the noise he kept making was until I finally got up to look and saw it. I scooted him back down and he slept a little while longer.

So after that we started putting his head at the other end of the crib and this morning, he had turned sideways and his head was up against the slats on the front side of the bed. I wish I had thought to take a picture but the camera was in the car. I think if he hadn't gotten up against the slats he would have slept a little while longer. I guess we are going to have to get him some bumpers. We never actually got him a bedding set because A) they are unnaturally expensive, and B) half the stuff that comes in a bedding set, including bumpers, aren't supposed to be in the bed with the baby. So what's the point, right? Well, we are going to be looking into those breathable bumpers. It makes me feel bad when he gets his little head up against the rails.

Speaking of his little head, despite the fact that he already doesn't have a lot of hair, he's getting a little bald spot on the back of his head. LOL

And speaking of hair, I think a lot more of mine is falling out. Like, it scared me this morning. I know that's "normal" or whatever but my hair is a big deal. I mean, yes, I hardly ever actually do my hair because there's just so much of it and it takes forever, but I really do like it. I don't want to be bald. Which shouldn't be a problem. According to my stylist sister, I have the perfect kind of hair. It's not thick, as in each strand, there's just a whole lot of it on my head.

How did this go from my son's sleep habits to my hair? I'm not sure either. Oh well...

until next time....

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